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Ideas for Eye Pillows

Relax, Refresh, Recuperate and Rejuvenate. Your eye pillow will help you increase sensitivity and can be used many ways. As a traditional eye pillow, reduced light to your eyes and gentle pressure can help the eyes relax into the sockets and turn your senses inwards. There is a direct connection of the eye to the brain, and eyes that are quiet means a brain that is quiet. The slight lift of the eye pillow makes this a great prop for areas that need "just a little" support: the knees in seated poses, the ankles in child's pose, keeping the head straight in supine poses. The weight, 100% cotton cover,  body forming flax seed, dried lavender flowers and mint leaves make eye pillows a  feast for the senses. And a great gift! Dimensions: 7” long x .5” high x 3.5” wide x 8” round.  Weight: 5.6 oz.


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The Knees Know!



Position 2 

Ankle Weight 

Savasana Extra (and the perfect way to help the head stay aligned)


Stiff Ankle Support
