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Feel like a hero

Feel like a hero
Pose of the Week
Virasana / Hero's pose 

Virasana is a seated meditation pose. It's also known as hero's pose because the Sanskrit translation from Virasana is warrior or hero. We can't guarantee that you'll feel like a hero doing it, but a daily mediation practice does make us capable of approaching life with more bravery and a settled mind. So we say, take a seat and feel like a hero. 

Hero's pose helps relieve stiffness in the feet, ankles, and knees. It strengthens the spine, calms the mind and builds stamina for longer sitting mediation.  While this is a resting place for the legs, many people have challenges sitting with bent knees in the is position. To get the benefits of the pose, one must be comfortable. Which is why we love props!

This demonstration of Virasana uses our zabuton mediation cushion to provide comfort for the lower legs. And a crescent zafu flipped on its side to provide height for sitting, and to ease pressure on the knees. 

  • While sitting the shins are flat, pressed into the support on the floor. The sit bones relax and descend towards the floor. 
  • Lift the spine up and roll the shoulders back. Relax the arms and place them on the thighs.
  • Relax the face and eyes. 

This pose can be done anytime. Those with knee injuries should avoid the pose.

This Pose of the Week features Joseph Tolbert Jr. demonstrating for Inner Space Yoga.  We want to inspire people to practice yoga by showing real people using our products. We also want to inspire people by sharing real people demonstrating yoga philosophies in daily life. Read more about our collaboration with Joe T here

Visit Pose of the Week to try all the poses!

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