Savasana for Sound Baths, three ways, soooo many props
Savasana / Corps Pose
Savasana is sometimes thought of the do nothing pose. But there is a lot o...

Staff your Dandasana with a bolster
Dandasana / Staff Pose
Staff Pose is the foundation for all sitting poses in yoga. It's used...

Fly into Crow Pose with a Bolster
Bakasana / Crow Pose
One of the first arm balances that many students achieve, Crow Pose...

Balance with a bolster in Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana / Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose
Balance. Extend. Breath. Th...

Ardha Padmasana with the lift of a bolster
Ardha Padmasana / Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend
During the month of June we have been f...

Triang Mukaikapada Paschimottanasana with a bolster
Triang Mukaikapada Paschimottanasana / Three Parts Forward Fold
Triang Mukaikapada Paschimot...

Janu Sirsasana with the support of a bolster
Janu Sirsasana / Head to knee pose with support
Head to Knee pose with support is a sitting asan...

Support your Shoulder Stand with a Yoga Bolster
Salamba Sarvangasana / Shoulder Stand
Shoulder Stand is a stepping pose to other inversions such...

Prop up your Scorpion Pose with yoga bolsters
Vrschikasana / Scorpion
Benefits of using yoga bolsters in Vrshikasana
In the final version of ...

Yoga bolsters for upward bow pose
Urdhva Dhanurasana / upward bow pose
Benefits of using yoga bolsters in Urdhva Dhanurasana

Lift your bow pose a with a yoga bolster
Dhanurasana / bow pose
Benefits of using a yoga bolster in bow pose
Using a round yoga bolst...

Boost your Bridge Pose with a yoga bolster
Chatush Padasana / Four Feet Bridge Pose
Need a Boost? Using a yoga bolster in Chatush Padasan...

Fish pose with an atlas yoga bolster
Matsyasana / Fish Pose
This is our first pose of the week featuring our Spring demonstrator Ja...

Lizards use bolsters too!
Pose of the Week
Utthan Pristhasana / Lizard Pose
This is last Pose of the Week with JoeT, our fi...

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana / One legged Pigeon pose
Pose of the Week
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana / One legged Pigeon pose
One legged pigeon pose is...

Recline and twist into better sleep
Pose of the Week
Supta Jaṭhara Parivartanasana / Supported Supine Twist
This reclined supported...

Forward fold for a simple inversion
Pose of the Week
Uttanasana /Standing Forward Fold with bent knees
In this bent knees version of...

Revolve, exhale, and tap into your inner spaces
Pose of the Week
Parivrtta Upavistha Konasana/ Revolved Wide Angle Seated Pose
Adding a twist to ...

Upavistha Konasana for ANY body
Pose of the Week
Upavistha Konasana / Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend For ANY body
Tight hamst...

Child's pose with TWO bolsters
Pose of the week is
Adho Mukha Virasana / Child's pose
We first introduced child's pose in a var...

Rest like a Hero
Pose of the Week
Supta Virasana / Reclined Hero's pose
We introduced Virasana as a seated medi...

Feel like a hero
Pose of the Week
Virasana / Hero's pose
Virasana is a seated meditation pose. It's also known as...

Bolsters to your Respiratory Rescue
Pose of the Week
Prasarita Padottasana / wide angle forward fold
It's no secret we love restora...

Release anxiety in child's pose
Pose of the Week: Adho Mukha Virasana / Child's pose
Child's pose is a resting pose that you ca...

For the New Year, do nothing
The pose of the week is
Savasana / corpse pose
Ahhhh…the do nothing pose. Perfect for anytime ...

Benefits and Bliss with a Bolster
Pose of the week is
Viparita Karni / Legs up the Wall pose
Get the benefits if an inversion bu...

Handstands keep you hopping
The pose of the week is
Adho Mukha Vrksasana / Handstand or upward-facing tree pose
Handstand i...

Side lying stretch to open inner spaces
The pose of the week is
Side lying stretch with a bolster
In our daily lives, typically we d...

Release tension from the hamstrings to the head
The pose of the week is
Adho Mukha Svanasana /downward facing dog
First up, we want to show...

Slow down your practice. One pose at a time.
The pose of the week is
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana /upward facing dog
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana might...

Achieve the benefits of a pose with a bolster!
The pose of the week is
Paschimottanasana /seated forward bend
Paschimottanasana can be an...

A pose to put a pause on your busy day
The pose of the week is
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana / Bridge Pose
Using a bolster to practice Setu ...

Extend, lengthen, restore, balance. All in one super pose!
The pose of the week is
Upavistha Konasana / Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend
The benefits of havi...

Welcome October! Grab a bolster and ground yourself.
As the shift of seasons starts to feel more obvious, October reminds us that it's a hard month to...

Gratitude and New Pose of the Week
Hello! We are so grateful by the overflow of likes, loves, messages and emails after sharing our ...