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Inner Space InnerViews: JoeT on a Self Care & Capitalism

Inner Space InnerViews: JoeT on a Self Care & Capitalism

In this issue of JoeT InnerViews, we get a deep dive into the benefits of a daily practice and the ways activists can replenish themselves so they can "serve from the saucer and not from the cup".

JoeT also gets into how hustle culture can steal your joy. JoeT says we overlook things that make us happy.  He advises you to find the things that make you happy. Is it music, singing, dancing, laying on the ground? For JoeT he loves rich generative conversations, music, singing and his plants. He points out often that little things make us happy and what makes us happy has the power to replenish us when we are depleted. We love the way he frames self care as noticing the things you love and taking the time to experience them. 

Watch it here:
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