Yoga Meditation Now with Friends

Meditation has some serious brain benefits, but doing it doesn't have to be serious business, that's what we think at this business anyway. This months yoga meditation Now with Friends is a game you can play next time you're on a hike, a paddle boat or just hanging out with someone.
How to Play Now with Friends
Set aside a length of time that you will meditate, just like you would for a more formal meditation. During the game remain quiet. Either person at any random time can yell out NOW! Then, the other person quickly tries to realize what it is that they were thinking about, right at that second. For added fun you can share what you were thinking. That's it.
Let's face it, the mind wanders. In so many meditations or concentration practices the key is 1. Realize that you are in a daydream 2. Remember that you are supposed to be concentrating on (your breath, a candle flame, a sound...) 3. Return your mind to the point of concentration.
Now with Friends encourages the brain to start thinking in this kind of self reflective way. It's fun, easy and brings the players back to the present. It can help train the brain to realize, remember and return.
Some Benefits of Yoga Meditation for the Brain
Meditation in general contributes to a greater sense of well-being, helps to maintain brain health as you age, aids in alleviating mental stress, promotes healthy and sustained focus, and more. We've experienced these benefits and we want everyone to. It really helps!