Release tension from the hamstrings to the head

The pose of the week is
Adho Mukha Svanasana /downward facing dog
First up, we want to show Inner Space co-owner Tammy demonstrating this beautiful version of Adho Mukha Svanasana. She's inverted from the ropes wall, using stacked flat bolsters to help straighten her elbows and to ground the forehead - making this a calming, restorative inverted downward facing down. The extension of the spine is particularly lovely in this inverted version. If you have access to a ropes wall, we highly suggest you ask a teacher to help you explore this option. You will fall in love with it.
As for doing yoga at home, in our living rooms, kitchens or wherever we find space for a mat and a bolster, you can still get a big release of the hamstrings and the mind. Follow these simple steps to get the most out of a simple Adho Mukha Svanasana with a bolster under the forehead.
- Start on your hands and knees, and place bolster vertical between your hands.
- Spread your fingers and press into your hands, tuck the toes down, lift the hips, and straighten the legs. Press the thighs back, rotate the inner legs in and back, and release the heals towards the ground.
- You may need to reposition the bolster forward, to get the forehead on the edge of the bolster.
- Exhale. Feel the release. Stay in the pose as long as you like.