Benefits and Bliss with a Bolster

Pose of the week is
Viparita Karni / Legs up the Wall pose
Get the benefits if an inversion but the bliss of a restorative pose by using an Inner Space Yoga bolster in Viparita Karni.
A flat bolster works the best here, but an oval or round can get the job the done. When we lift the pelvis using a bolster, we get added benefits of the hips being higher than the heart. The chin becomes closer into the chest like in Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, offering the benefits of softening the mind and bringing our energy back to center. This pose can be done at the end of yoga practice or anytime during the day, to find a moment of bliss with benefits.
To do the pose:
- Place a bolster horizontally about an inch or two away from the wall.
- Squat on the bolster with the right hip touching the wall and the left hip facing the center of the room.
- Gently roll to the side, where the pelvis stays in the bolster. Extend the legs up the wall and let the lower back cascade off the bolster on the the floor.
- Lie back. Place an eye pillow over your eyes for added relaxation. Let your arms relax by your side with you palms facing the ceiling.
- Relax the jaw. Feel your core being grounded with the earth.
- Stay here for 5-10 minutes.
- To come out of the pose, roll to one side and sit up.
Visit Pose of the Week to try all the poses!