Handstands keep you hopping

The pose of the week is
Adho Mukha Vrksasana / Handstand or upward-facing tree pose
Handstand is a pose where you can face your fears. Learn to overcome them, and with practice, enjoy a new rhythm of hoping in and out of handstands. These philosophical benefits can also carry over into finding joy in trying new hard things, though many aspects of life.
Using a bolster can help you learn some foundational basics for success in Adho Mukha Vrksasana.
- Start by warming up in Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward facing dog.
- Place the bolster horizonally against the wall. Place your hands near the bolster and come into a Downward Facing Dog.
- Walk your feet in, bring the weight over the hands so your upper back presses into the bolster. Move slowly and observe the back body in the pose. Press the upper arms back to expand the upper back against the bolster.
- Try kicking one leg up at a time. Make sure to practice kicking up both legs and not just the same one every attempt.

If you are comfortable in your handstand, practice taking the feet away from the wall.
Or try hopping up into your handstand with two legs together!

The benefits of Adho Mukha Vrksasana are plentiful. Handstands develops the body harmoniously - strengthen the shoulders, arms and wrists. The pose also helps expand the chest, gives renewed blood flow and can improve brain function.
This pose works best with a flat bolster, but an oval or round bolster can also provide the benefits of a prop in this pose.
Visit Pose of the Week to try all the poses!