Eka Pada Rajakapotasana / One legged Pigeon pose
Pose of the Week
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana / One legged Pigeon pose
One legged pigeon pose is a deep hip opener. It can improve circulation to the lower part of the body, improve range of motion and prep the body to sit in meditation with more ease.
Our demonstrator Joe T is using a round bolster to give his hips more lift. This allows his back leg to be bent, and for him to open the hips gradually and safely.
Take your time getting into this pose. Focus on the alignment of the hips. And notice how each thigh is stretched differently in the pose.
- Start on hands and knees and place the bolster on your left side. Slide the right knee back and place the bolster under the left buttocks.
- Release the hips downward and let the bolster prop the weight of the body.
- Place hands on hips and lift the chest upwards.
- Repeat on each side.
This variation is an introduction to the pose and is a wonderful option for beginners with tight hips.
The next step is to take the front bent leg and foot in front of the body, and straighten the back leg. If you need less lift, a flat or atlas bolster can be used.
The following is an example of the full pose, shown by Inner Space Co-owner Jill Frere. She is using an atlas bolster to prop her head back and open the chest.
This Pose of the Week features Joseph Tolbert Jr. demonstrating for Inner Space Yoga. We want to inspire people to practice yoga by showing real people using our products. We also want to inspire people by sharing real people demonstrating yoga philosophies in daily life. Read about our collaboration with Joe T here. Watch InnerViews with Joe here.