Recline and twist into better sleep
This reclined supported twist is perfect do to after intense standing poses. The restorative benefits of the pose are it improves the alignment of the spine, reduces upper back pain, opens the chest and shoulder muscles and quiets the central nervous system. Baring you don't have a back, neck or shoulder injury that takes the bliss out of this pose, it's a heck YEAH for everyone.
Settle in for as long as you like. This pose is likely to help you sleep better too.
Our demonstrator uses a flat bolster under the revolved knee and a zafu under the opposite hand for extra support.
- To come into the pose, lie down flat and take the arms to the side.
- Bring the left knee to the chest, slightly roll to the opposite side of the body, and place the left leg and knee on the bolster.
- Keep both shoulder blades grounded on the floor.
- Turn the head to the opposite direction to intensify the twist.
- To come out of the pose bring the bent knee back to center, move the bolster to the opposite side, and repeat.
This Pose of the Week features Joseph Tolbert Jr. demonstrating for Inner Space Yoga. We want to inspire people to practice yoga by showing real people using our products. We also want to inspire people by sharing real people demonstrating yoga philosophies in daily life. Read about our collaboration with Joe T here. Watch InnerViews with Joe here.