Fish pose with an atlas yoga bolster

Matsyasana / Fish Pose
This is our first pose of the week featuring our Spring demonstrator Jardana Peacock. We picked Fish Pose to share with Jardana first, because their life path is about stretching their voice in subtle ways to inspire positive movement. In a yoga practice, the benefits of using an atlas yoga bolster in Fish Pose pack some mighty benefits too.
Fish Pose a mild back bending pose, and the first of four poses we'll post of Jardana demonstrating how to use a yoga bolster for support in backbends.
For this variation we are using an atlas yoga bolster called You Can't Miss from our Spring line.
Benefits of using a yoga bolster in Fish Pose
The benefits of using an atlas yoga bolster in Fish Pose are it supports the upper chest to help open the shoulders and extend the neck. The atlas is our longest bolster and the smallest in diameter, so it's perfect for this pose.
How to Come into Fish Pose with an Atlas Yoga Bolster
- In a seated position, place the atlas yoga bolster horizontally behind you at a distance so when you lie back it's under the tops of your shoulders.
- Lie back and take head back, with the bolster supporting the back of the head where it meets the neck.
- Keep the feet together and the legs tight.
- Roll the shoulders under and place the hands under the buttocks with the palms on the floor. Lift the chest.
- Relax the head back and enjoy the pose for a few minutes.
- To come out of the pose roll to one side and sit up.
If rolling the shoulders under the body is a challenge, try this second variation.

- Place the atlas yoga bolster behind you. Lie back over the bolster keeping it in the middle of your spine and slide yourself back so the head and neck drop off the bolster, to get the benefits of opening the chest and the neck.
- Keep the feet together and the legs tight.
- Place the hands on either side, tight to the bolster instead of under the buttocks. Lift the chest.
- Relax the head back and enjoy the pose for a few minutes.
- To come out of the pose roll to one side and sit up.
Pose of the Week features our current demonstrator for Inner Space Yoga. Demonstrators are also featured on InnerVeiws. Using both platforms, we are inspiring people to practice yoga by showing real people using our products, and by sharing real people demonstrating yoga philosophies in their daily lives. Read our introduction and watch an InnerView with Jardana here. Read about Jardana's work at People's Hub here.