Earth Day Yoga Meditation

Keeping something beautiful in your mind can be sustaining during easy and difficult times. Practice this Plant Based Yoga Mediation as a way to celebrate earth day. Who knew meditating could be vegan ;) This meditation will help you to develop concentration skills and be present to the beauty that surrounds you.
Let Plant Meditation Cushion Your Experience
Find any plant. You can select one you have loved and cared for or go sit in your yard and look at the grass! Let your eyes fall on one small section. Notice the color, saturation, shape, form, texture and anything else that captivates the mind. Try to memorize it, and when you are ready, close your eyes and hold the image of your tiny plant part in your mind as long as you can. It doesn’t matter how long that is! When your pretty plant is gone open your eyes and absorb it again. Then, close the eyes and see your plant. Go back and forth like this, and when you are ready (and you are best at knowing when that is) add a little bit more to your picture and keep growing it until you intimately know your entire plant. When you are done, rest your mind on nothing in particular, and then dedicate the benefits of the meditation to the benefit of everyone.
Let our Yoga Meditation Cushion, Cushion Your Meditation
Concentrating the mind is always easier when the body is comfortable. Our crescent zafu meditation cushions are the best! Paired with a zabuton, it's even better! The legs drop off beautifully in a crossed leg position. Or the flat edge on the floor works perfectly for Hero Pose.