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Release anxiety in child's pose

Release anxiety in child's pose

Pose of the Week: Adho Mukha Virasana / Child's pose

Child's pose is a resting pose that you can take during a yoga class, your work day, or when you just need a moment to reset at home. When you do this pose, use your breath to exhale anxiety or thoughts you are holding on to that might not be serving you well. Let go. Release. 

The benefits of child's pose with a flat yoga bolster 

Child's pose gently stretches your spine, thighs, hips, and ankles. This is a grounding pose. Using a bolster enhances these benefits, on a therapeutic and physical level.



How to do child's pose with a flat yoga bolster

  • Knelling with bent knees hips distance apart, and the shins on the mat, place the bolster vertically in front of you.
  • Bend the knees and sit down, bring the bolster between your bent legs and towards your pelvis. Fold and release your body over the top of the bolster.
  • If you need more height for your body, add another bolster or folded blanket. A blanket roll or small atlas bolster can be used between the knees.
  •  You can stretch your hands over head, leave them by your side or place them on the end of the bolster. You can leave your face down or turn your head to rest on your cheek.
  • To come out of the pose, use your hands to push yourself up. Come back to a kneeling position. You can stretch your legs out behind you one at a time, before moving on to the next pose.


Adho Mukha Virasana / Child's pose goes well with Upavistha Konasana / Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend, as a next pose.

Visit Pose of the Week to try all the poses!

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