Bolsters to your Respiratory Rescue

It's no secret we love restorative forward folds using bolsters. Add in some chairs and Prasarita Padottasana will become your respiratory rescue pose. If you don't have yoga chairs, you can use dinner room chairs, a small ottoman, a piano many things.
When Covid first hit, the Iyengar community started posting sequences for respiratory health. Our favorite was this article by Lois Steinberg. Since Omicron numbers are high now, we are doing Prasarita Padottasana featured in Lois's article. You can practice this wide angle forward fold anytime for aid in general respiratory issues.
- Position two chairs on a sticky mat (if your chairs and feet slide) with the seats facing each other and stack two bolsters horizontally on the chairs. (A dense folded blanket can be used on top if you don't have two bolsters)
- Step the feet wide apart and place the abdomen on the bolsters. Walk the feet out wider to feel the sacrum spread.
- Place the hands on blocks and keep eyes parallel to the floor.
- The torso support is soothing on the kidney and encourages back body breathing.
To further quiet mind, take a more classical version of Prasarita Padottasana. Using the height you need, as you work your way towards taking the head to the floor. A block provides a solid base for the forehead.

The following variations of our previous Pose of the Week poses are also found in Lois's respiratory health sequence. We feature minimal prop variations for the average home use. But if you have more bolsters and props, we say use them!
- Adho Mukha Vrksasana / Handstand or upward-facing tree pose
- Supta Baddha Konasana / Reclined Bound Ankle Pose
- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana / Bridge Pose
- Viparita Karni / Legs up the Wall pose