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Rest like a Hero

Rest like a Hero
Pose of the Week 
Supta Virasana / Reclined Hero's pose

We introduced Virasana as a seated mediation pose here. Supta Virasana is the reclined version. The benefits are: it lengthens the thighs, opens the hip flexors and gives the feet an extra good stretch. This is a restorative pose with ah haaaaa benefits. The goal is to get the stretch and to be comfortable. Using bolsters allows you to settle in where your body says, "ah yes, ah haaaaaa."

  • Sit on the knees with the shins flat on the floor, on a blanket or on a mat.
  • Place one or two bolsters at the base of the sacrum. 
  • Let the thighs be slightly open.
  • Slowly, lean back onto the bolsters. 
  • Let the collarbone widen and the shoulders roll open. This makes the pose a bit of a heart opener. Another benefit!
  • Place a blanket under the head for added comfort if you would like. 
  • Add an eye pillow for extra bliss. 

Flat bolsters were used to demonstrate this pose because they are best for stacking. A round or oval bolster can be used if you only need one bolster. The Atlas, our smallest bolster, can be used by yogis who need minimal lift to feel comfortable in this reclined pose.

This Pose of the Week features Joseph Tolbert Jr. demonstrating for Inner Space Yoga.  We want to inspire people to practice yoga by showing real people using our products. We also want to inspire people by sharing real people demonstrating yoga philosophies in daily life. Read more about our collaboration with Joe T here

Visit Pose of the Week to try all the poses! 

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