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Upavistha Konasana for ANY body

Upavistha Konasana for ANY  body
Pose of the Week
Upavistha Konasana / Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend 
 For ANY body
Tight hamstrings? Does the floor feel waaaaayyyyyy far away from your forehead? It's okay. ANY body can do Upavistha Konasana. You just might need more bolsters!

Our demonstrator Joe T shows how to use FOUR bolsters to comfortably achieve Upavistha Konasana. He is siting on a flat bolster, has an atlas bolster under each knee and his head is on a roundl bolster turned upright. 

Afterwards he said he didn't know his body could feel so good in that pose. And we were so happy to help him discover that blissful success.

In the beginning of our Pose of the Week series, we demonstrated a different version of Upavistha Konasana. We showed this wide angle seated forward bend as a partner pose and a one person pose, by folding forward on one flat bolster. In that post we explained why this pose might be harder than it looks, we gave the details of how to do the pose and listed the benefits.

If a version of a pose feels too far out of reach for you, it's okay to explore the pose more, and make the bolsters work for you. That's yoga! There's no wrong way to use a prop if it makes your pose better.

Poses that go well in a sequence with Upavistha Konasana are Supta Baddha Konasana / Reclined Bound Ankle Pose and Paschimottanasana /seated forward bend. All links are to our Pose of the Week series. 

This Pose of the Week features Joseph Tolbert Jr. demonstrating for Inner Space Yoga.  We want to inspire people to practice yoga by showing real people using our products. We also want to inspire people by sharing real people demonstrating yoga philosophies in daily life. Read more about our collaboration with Joe T here


Visit Pose of the Week to try all the poses!

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