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Boost your Bridge Pose with a yoga bolster

Boost your Bridge Pose with a yoga bolster


Chatush Padasana / Four Feet Bridge Pose

Need a Boost? Using a yoga bolster in Chatush Padasana will boost your hips up while helping you into this intermediate back bending pose. AND, did you know backbends are a mood lifter? So let the bolster do double work to boost the body and boost your mood.

For this variation we are using round yoga bolster called You Can't Miss from our Spring line.

Benefits of using a yoga bolster in bridge pose

The benefit of using a round yoga bolster is its our highest bolster, and it gives the most lift off the ground. 

Other benefits of Chatush Padasana are it improves back muscles and improves flexibility in the spine. 

How to come into Chatush Padasana with a Round Yoga Bolster

  • Lay your yoga bolster vertically on your mat and sit on the bottom edge. 
  • Lie back and slide yourself backwards till your shoulder blades are on the floor. Keep your knees bent.
  • Press your palms into the floor as you roll your shoulders under and down the back.
  • Press the soles of the feet into the floor to lift the hips up. 
  • Repeat 3-5 times. 

Also try putting the round yoga bolster horizontal, to concentrate the lift in the hips and work on rolling the shoulders under to life the chest and broaden the collarbones.

Related poses using yoga bolsters are: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana / Bridge Pose and Viparita Karni / Legs up the Wall pose.

For more ways to use bolsters in backhanding poses, read our how to guide on backbends. 

Pose of the Week features our current demonstrator for Inner Space Yoga. Demonstrators are also featured on InnerVeiws. Using both platforms, we are inspiring people to practice yoga by showing real people using our products, and by sharing real people demonstrating yoga philosophies in their daily lives. Read our introduction and watch an InnerView with Jardana here. Read about their work at People's Hub here. 


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