Lift your bow pose a with a yoga bolster
Dhanurasana / bow pose
Benefits of using a yoga bolster in bow pose
Using a round yoga bolster in Dhanurasana gives your torso a lift, allowing the spine to extend up, the chest to open and the sit bones to release downwards. The benefits of dhanurasana are enhanced with a bolster because it makes the pose more achievable and accessible for all bodies.
How to come into Dhanurasana with a round yoga bolster
- Lie on your abdomen and place the round yoga bolster horizontally in front of you. Place the hands on the floor, lift the chest up and place the bolster under the base of the ribcage.
- Roll the tops of the thighs in, bend the knees and bring them towards the sit bones.
- Reach back and grab hold of the ankles, one at a time.
- Holding the ankles, raise the chest, knees and thighs up away from the floor.
- Release a repeat 3-5 times.
Dhanurasana with an Atlas bolster
An atlas yoga bolster will provide less height. If you are new to backbends, use a smaller bolster.
Related poses using yoga bolsters are: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana / Bridge Pose and Chatush Padasana / Four feet bridge pose.
For more ways to use bolsters in backbending poses, read our how to guide on backbends.
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