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Yoga bolsters for upward bow pose

Yoga bolsters for upward bow pose

Urdhva Dhanurasana / upward bow pose

Benefits of using yoga bolsters in Urdhva Dhanurasana

In Urdhva Dhanurasana we use a pile of yoga bolsters to make a launch pad, creating a supportive base to launch upward for this mighty backbend. While building arm strength to come up and down in the pose, the bolsters become a safe landing pad. As you gain more practice and feel more confident in the pose, you can make the pile of yoga bolsters smaller. Feeling scared to try this new pose? Let bolsters help you feel brave! 

HOW TO COME INTO Urdhva DHANURASANA WITH a pile of yoga bolsters

  • Place any size bolsters in a pile, with the largest size bolsters on the bottom. 
  • Gently sit on one of the bolsters on the edge of the pile and lie back.. Take the hands over head to place the palms on the floor. Keep elbows in tight to the head.
  • Keep the feet placed firmly on the ground and press the hands into the floor to lift the body and  pelvis off the bolsters. 
  • Push up higher by lifting the buttocks. 
  • Gain more lift in the chest by opening the armpits. Straighten the arms as much as possible. 
  • To come down, slowly lower onto you pile of bolsters.
  • Repeat 2-5 times and work on building arm strength and flexibility in the shoulders. 

Preparatory backhanding poses to practice using yoga bolsters are:

Dhanurasana / Bow poseUrdhva Mukha Svanasana /upward facing dog  Chatush Padasana / Four feet bridge poseMatsysana / Rish Pose, and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana / Bridge Pose.

For more ways to use bolsters in backhanding poses, read our how to guide on backbends. 

Poses to practice after a backbend can be Adho Mukha Virasana / Child's posePaschimottanasana /seated forward bend Supta Jaṭhara Parivartanasana / Supported Supine TwistUttanasana /Standing Forward Fold with bent knees 


Pose of the Week features our current demonstrator for Inner Space Yoga. Demonstrators are also featured on InnerVeiws. Using both platforms, we are inspiring people to practice yoga by showing real people using our products, and by sharing real people demonstrating yoga philosophies in their daily lives. Read our introduction and watch an InnerView with Jardana here. Read about their work at People's Hub here. 


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