Prop up your Scorpion Pose with yoga bolsters

Vrschikasana / Scorpion
Benefits of using yoga bolsters in Vrshikasana
In the final version of Scorpion Pose, the toes touch the top of the head. That's a nice goal for some people to work towards. It's also nice to have fun practicing the pose, along with the acceptance of being where we are today. Yoga bolsters in Scorpion Pose make it fun to try the pose, letting your feet land where they land. The benefits of using flat yoga bolsters is that they are flat! And stackable. Use two bolsters or use six. Or four. Or whatever lets you be where you are, and have fun practicing the pose.
How to come into Vrschikasana with a stack of yoga bolsters
- Stack your bolsters against a wall.
- Come into Ardha Pincha Mayurasana.
- Then kick into Pincha Mayurasana, known as forearm stand.
- Let the toes touch the wall then walk the feet down to the top bolster.
- With the feet resting on the bolsters, press into the forearms, lift the chest and hips, gaining strength and flexibility in the lower back. Both are needed to hold the body as you work towards getting the toes to the head.
- Or just pause and be happy for how far you made it today. 💙
Before Scorpion Pose, you could do Downward Facing Dog, and warm up with backhanding poses.
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