Basic Breath Meditation

Let’s get back to basics, and in this case basic means the best. Breath meditation is one of the best meditations because your breath is always with you. When you cultivate this practice it is literally always there for you, everywhere you go.
First make yourself extremely comfortable. For ideas on how to get comfortable, read our How to use bolsters and mediation cushions for meditation page. Including:
- Virasana / Hero's pose
- Supta Virasana /Reclined Hero's pose
- Supta Baddha Konasana /Reclined Bound Ankle Pose
- Savasana /Corpse pose
Now, let's begin.....
Close your eyes and place a yoga eye pillow on your forehead. Breath in the lavender and mint, breathe out your stress and tension.
Rest your mind on your breath and let it go on breathing by itself. Your mind will likely wander into other things. This can be a good thing if you are having trouble not efforting the breath. When the mind is distracted the breath is going on it’s own, then when you bring it back to the breath, try to watch the breath without getting involved. The Key to breath meditation is noticing (and not judging yourself for being caught) and remembering the breath and returning to the breath. Over and over and over and over again. Eventually you will be able to rest your awareness on the breath for longer amounts of time. This has a profound calming effect. Remember you are the witness to the breath.
You can take your breath work everywhere for mediation anywhere, anytime. The basic benefits to breath mediation are endless.