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Triang Mukaikapada Paschimottanasana with a bolster

Triang Mukaikapada Paschimottanasana with a bolster

Triang Mukaikapada Paschimottanasana / Three Parts Forward Fold  

Triang Mukaikapada Paschimottanasana with support is a forward bend that stretches the body and calms the mind. This week's pose benefits the mind and the body, and we chose it because for month of June we are focusing on the mental health benefits of yoga and mediation. Like last week's Janu Sirsasana pose, grab a flat bolster, fold over it, and relax.

Benefits of Using a Bolster In Triang Mukaikapada Paschimottanasana

Forward folds can be challenging poses. They require flexibility in the legs and back. Using a yoga bolster makes the pose more accessible for all bodies, practicing all levels of yoga. A flat bolster provides support to stay in the pose and get more calming benefits of this forward fold, such as opening the hips and gently toning the abdominals. This pose can help with insomnia and sleep problems. 


How to come into Triang Mukaikapada Paschimottanasana 

  • Sit with legs out straight. We recommend sitting on a zabuton for more comfort under the shin.  
  • Bend right knee and place the shin against the floor.
  • Place the flat bolster on the top of the left leg.
  • Grab hold of the end of the bolster, lift the side ribs and chest. 
  • Inhale and on the exhale fold forward.
  • Stay for a few breaths or a few minutes. Repeat on the second side.


Other forward folds to add to your practice include: Paschimottanasana /seated forward bend Stretch of the western side and Upavistha Konasana /Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend

Pose of the Week features our current demonstrator for Inner Space Yoga. Demonstrators are also featured on InnerVeiws. Using both platforms, we are inspiring people to practice yoga by showing real people using our products, and by sharing real people demonstrating yoga philosophies in their daily lives. Read our introduction and watch an InnerView with Jardana here. Read about their work at People's Hub here. 

Want to hear more from Jardana?

Jardana's book Practice Showing Up, is a guide that gathers writing exercises, embodied and contemplative practices, poetry and artwork and weaves them with Jardana's meditations from the front lines of struggle against white supremacy. 
We have 10 copies to give away! Buy a bolster, and leave a note in your order that says, "YES Please! Send me a book for free." We'll add it to your bolster and ship it to your door. 

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