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How to yoga bolsters in Inversions

Inner Space Yoga bolsters are made by yoga practitioners, for any body to use. We want every body to experience the benefits of using a yoga bolster while practicing yoga. Because we think our bolsters are that great! 

The benefits of using a yoga bolster for inversions 

Inversions are referred to as "the boon" of yoga, in the Iyengar Yoga tradition. It's the space in our practice where we start to see the biggest benefits of doing yoga, in our bodies, minds, and in our daily lives. Getting upside improves blood circulation, moods and generally offers a new look at life - physically and emotionally. Using a yoga bolster creates possibilities for everyone to get upside down. 

Each featured inversion pose is linked to our Pose of the Week blog, with details on how to do the pose using a bolster, additional variations using bolsters plus more benefits and reasons you should give it a try. 


 Adho Mukha Vrksasana / Handstand or upward-facing tree 




More inversions will be added to this list, featuring our current demonstrator Jardana. Keep reading the blog for more upcoming posts on how to use a bolster for inversions.

Need an easier place to start? No problem. These standing poses with a forward fold are considered beginner inversions and give you a taste of the benefits offered in more advanced inversions. 





For how to use your bolster in other types of poses click here. 


Keep scrolling, for more inspiration on how to use your bolsters in standing poses, with classic Inner Space photos not linked to our blog, but show anything is possible with any size bolster! 
Wide legged forward fold with a flat bolster
Standing forward fold with flat bolsters
Shoulder Stand with a flat bolster
Handstand with oval bolsters
Scorpion with a stack of bolsters