How to Use an Atlas Yoga Bolster
The Atlas yoga bolster is our longest bolster combined with out smallest circumference. It is hand-rolled using 4.5 pounds of densely packed cotton. It will not flatten significantly with use. It is 8” high x 26.5” long x 12” around.
Each featured pose uses an atlas bolster and is linked to our Pose of the Week blog, with details and benefits of how to do the pose.
benefits of using an atlas yoga bolster
The Altas bolster is wonderful for chest opening poses, reclined breathing exercises, placed between the knees, under the knees...and well, soooooooooo many ways. Its size and amount of support makes it a convenient substitute for a small stacks of blankets. The Atlas bolster is small yet mighty. Perfect in so many ways. And versatile.
Want more information if an Altas bolster is the right size for you? Read How to pick your first bolster. And Compare our bolster sizes here.
Buy Atlas yoga bolsters here
Uttanasana /Standing Forward Fold with bent knees
Adho Mukha Virasana / Child's pose
Upavistha Konasana / Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend
Savasana / corpse pose
Viparita Karani/Hollowback Modification

Seated Restorative

Supported Child's Pose

Supported Seated Forward Fold

Supported Forward Fold

Chest Openers

Supported Constructive Rest

Reclined Breathing

Reclined Pranayama Restorative

Double Bolster Restorative Recline

Other Poses