Inner Space InnerViews JoeT

Well folks, all the marketing pros, the social media gurus, the advertising people tell us ... make more content! You need more videos! Get a YouTube channel! Post more!
Any of you out there in hustle culture with a small business heard this before?
Have you been scrolling the Gram and want to turn away from the saturation, even when you, your very own self, your very own business, is part of the onslaught?
Whacha gonna do? We decided to do things we love. We make things we love, so why not extend that to commerce. And we love to connect, to learn and to grow.
We recently rolled out a new initiative in which we ask amazing people to use and demonstrate our products. During the time they are with us, we learn about them - how they practice, how they like our products, and what their InnerVoice says about the meaning of life. We found this initiative to be so compelling that we have a new feature, Inner space does InnerViews.
Our first demonstrator is Joseph Tolbert, Jr. He consults with organizations across the US. He is amazing. You have met him before and seen him showing our products in the Pose of the Week blog posts here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
He totally rocked our world when he talked about liberative spaces. JoeT shared so much with us in our time together, including hierarchy that can lead to inequity when only certain voices are allowed to "in the room". He has big ideas, and an even bigger heart. Here is our first of many InnerViews with JoeT. Above he talks about how to work with the immense challenges of social justice work and that it is not up to only you.
You can learn more about JoeT and his work at Art At the Intersections a creative consultancy and arts and culture incubator that promotes cultural equity. He is also the Arts, Culture and Movement Resiliency Program Coordinator at Peoples Hub, an online training organization founded on the belief that, when people at the grassroots build power, we can change our world.
Check back frequently as we post more gems from him, and from our next demonstrator. They will be revealed next month.